MGIS Project

The purpose of this blog is to share new ideas, comments and the progress made on the Making Games in Schools Project @ Dalbeattie High School.

Monday 22 February 2010

Technical Difficulties

As the class are working through the games project, there have been a couple of technical problems with pupils not being able to load their games, and a few games that have frozen. I think this may be due to the size of the files, or it could be the speed of the network.... the technician is on the case. As well as creating the games the pupils have:

1. In pairs created fantasy mindmaps with as many words as they could think of and

2. Taken part in a GLOW discussion, commenting on aspects of the fantasy genre.

Im constantly looking for new ideas to compliment the project, I was thinking about the pupils creating their own soundtracks using sound editing software, and keeping a video log of how the project is going, or maybe even creating a video tutorial on how to create a game using Adventure author. Lot's of time to try new things out!

1 comment:

  1. Hope the technical difficulties are resolved OK...

    Would love to see the mindmaps - would you be able to scan some of them and post on the blog?

    How did the Glow discussion go, who was involved, what was said? Great to know this has taken place - do you have any record of the exchange?

    So good to see how you are always looking for creative opportunities!

    Cathrin, Heriot-Watt

